Media Kit

About Princeton Innovation Center BioLabs

About Princeton Innovation Center BioLabs

Elevating Ideas that Inspire Humanity

Princeton Innovation Center BioLabs, powered by BioLabs, provides coworking lab and office space specifically designed to help high-potential hightech startups go further and faster on limited investment capital. The Center is available to companies formed by Princeton’s faculty, students and alumni, as well as by members of the wider New Jersey community.

Two Biolabs members working in the shared space.

About Biolabs

Enabling Awesome,
One Bench at a Time

BioLabs is a member-based network of shared lab and office facilities located in the nation’s key innovation clusters. At BioLabs, entrepreneurial scientists are surrounded by the best people, infrastructure and resources for accelerating scientific achievement and business growth.

About the Facilities

30,000+ sqft
of premium shared lab and office space, including:
  • Wet lab space for chemical, biological and pharmaceutical development
  • Dry lab space for engineering and material science development
  • Office and desk space for resident companies and related ventures
  • Inspired design – fosters interaction and collaboration
  • Access to the latest, most-advanced laboratory equipment – frees scientists to dream big
  • First-class facility, lab, and concierge support, including permit maintenance for all lab operations, EHS and compliance, equipment maintenance and technical support
  • Programming, expert speaker series, peer learning, and networking opportunities
  • Critical access to potential funders and industry partners
  • 68 lab benches, private offices and hot desks for up to 200+ scientists and entrepreneurs


We believe entrepreneurship enhances our capacity for societal service and global leadership. Together with BioLabs, the Center will enrich both the spirit and activities of entrepreneurs within New Jersey, its neighboring areas and our broader global community.
Paul LaMarche
About Paul LaMarche
Vice Provost, Princeton University

Paul LaMarche has been the vice provost for space programming and planning at Princeton University since March of 2007. Paul's service with Princeton started in 1984, and includes roles as a research staff physicist and the project manager for the Borexino Solar Neutrino Detector Project, a joint effort with the National Science Foundation and the Instituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare in Italy. In addition to his work with Princeton, Paul spent several years in a startup tech firm where he was responsible for R&D, sales, marketing and manufacturing.

The coworking model can reduce science startup costs by a factor of 10 and accelerate the timeline for setting up a lab facility by 6 to 9 months. We are excited to implement our model here in Princeton.
Johannes Fruehauf
About Johannes Fruehauf
President & CEO, BioLabs

Johannes Fruehauf is a physician-scientist and biotech entrepreneur with a track record of building and growing successful science companies. He is the founder and CEO of BioLabs and a general partner at BioInnovation Capital, an early-stage venture capital fund. He serves on the boards of numerous life-science companies and nonprofits, including LabCentral, where he is president and and cofounder, and the New England Venture Capital Association.

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Media Inquiries

Michael Hotchkiss, Princeton University / Office of Communications /